



Unified Access and Processing: SMF and Mainframe Management Data

Access and process SMF records, logs, and management data.

Near Real-Time Access to Mainframe Management Data

PropelZ provides instant read access to SMF records, console messages, job logs, APM data, and other key operational metrics, delivering real-time insights without replication or data movement.

Automated Extraction of Management Logs

PropelZ automates the extraction of various mainframe management logs, including SMF records, console and job logs, and health and availability logs, eliminating the complexities of manual processes and traditional ETL workflows. This enables seamless integration with data lakes, databases, or analytics platforms for enhanced operational visibility.

Hybrid Cloud & On-Premise Integration

Whether you prefer to keep your data on premise or in the cloud, PropelZ supports integration with target databases such as databases such MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server, AI and integration platforms such as Snowflake. This flexibility allows organizations to choose the storage and analytics platforms that best fit their needs.

Seamless Integration for Processing

PropelZ enables direct integration of SMF records and other management logs with modern processing tools, helping teams make data-driven decisions and improve overall mainframe system performance.

Security and Compliance

Regardless of the target chosen for data storage, PropelZ communicates securely with it, providing a reliable connection for transferring data while maintaining compliance with industry security standards and regulations, which is critical for managing sensitive or regulated data found in mainframe logs.

Archiving and Resiliency

Mainframe management data can consume massive amounts of storage. With PropelZ, you can free up more costly DASD and Tape/VTL resources by archiving to cloud storage or on-prem SAN or increase your resiliency by keeping secondary or tertiary copies in multiple locations.

Are you ready to transform your SMF and mainframe data management?

Enhanced Management Data Oversight

PropelZ automates and simplifies the management of SMF records, console messages, job logs, APM data, and other logs, reducing manual effort and making it easier to access, analyze, and archive mainframe data.

Improved Operational Insights:

By providing near real-time and instant access to diverse mainframe management data, PropelZ allows businesses to monitor performance, identify issues, and improve operational decision-making.

Cost Efficiency

PropelZ reduces reliance on costly ETL processes and eliminates the need for data replication, allowing businesses to cut operational costs while improving access to critical management data.

Flexible Cloud and Storage Integration

PropelZ supports both cloud and on-premise storage, giving organizations the freedom to choose the right storage solution for long-term retention, archiving, and compliance with industry regulations.

Streamlined Compliance and Security

PropelZ ensures that all log processing and access procedures comply with security and regulatory standards, reducing the risk of data breaches and compliance failures.

Unified Access and Processing: SMF and Mainframe Management Data Resources
