Lozen™ OpenAPI Connector with Microsoft Azure Logic Apps

Lozen™ offers several connectors to enable no-code, real-time, read-write mainframe data access to a broad range of applications.  Connectors are valuable extensions to Lozen, providing Lozen customers with simple and secure access to mainframe data from an increasing number of application environments, with high performance and data integrity.

One of these, the Lozen OpenAPI Connector, makes it possible to access mainframe data (such as VSAM files) from any OpenAPI application, including Azure Logic Apps, Boomi, TIBCO, and more.

In this blog, we highlight how you can use this connector to transact with Azure Logic Apps.

What is Azure Logic Apps?

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud platform where you can create and run automated workflows with little to no code. By using the visual designer and selecting from prebuilt operations, you can quickly build a workflow that integrates and manages your apps, data, services, and systems. Azure Logic Apps simplifies the way that you connect legacy, modern, and cutting-edge systems across cloud, on premises, and hybrid environments and provides low-code-no-code tools for you to develop highly scalable integration solutions for your enterprise and business-to-business (B2B) scenarios. (Learn.Microsoft.com)

What is OpenAPI?

OpenAPI is an open set of standards published by a consortium focused on the value of standardizing software APIs. OpenAPI makes it easy to weave together services from a diverse range of providers into sophisticated composite applications.  By participating in this community, Lozen’s OpenAPI connector makes it possible to access mainframe data, such as VSAM files, from any OpenAPI application.

Many commercial and open-source applications support the OpenAPI specification. This means that applications running within these contexts can use Lozen to read and update mainframe files by interacting with simple and familiar OpenAPI objects without special customized coding.

Integration Details

Azure Logic Apps lets customers create and run automated workflows that integrate apps and data spanning many sources.  These workflows can combine data from a variety of sources: SQL and NoSQL databases, Salesforce.com, email systems, cloud applications — and now mainframe data.

From any Azure Logic Apps workflow, Lozen’s OpenAPI implementation lets you embed steps that read or update mainframe datasets in the same manner as Logic Apps accesses any other types of data.  Best of all, the approach requires zero custom coding and is entirely declarative. You just configure an OpenAPI object to connect to the desired Lozen server and embed access to your mainframe data wherever needed.

Watch our demo to see the Lozen OpenAPI connector working with Azure Logic Apps.


Lozen is VirtualZ Computing’s revolutionary solution that unlocks the power of real-time, read-write data access — from any platform, anytime, anywhere.

Lozen™ offers several connectors to enable simple and secure access to mainframe data from an increasing number of application environments, including Azure Logic Apps, with high performance and data integrity.

Learn More

Click here for information about our other connectors.

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