
Modern solutions to connect data and applications across all environments.

Analytics and Reporting

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Data Stores

Business Applications


Analytics and Reporting

Modern BI, analytics, and reporting tools provide powerful advantages for companies to better leverage their data to inform decision-making – but these tools run into barriers when data is scattered across multiple environments.

Our analytics and reporting solutions allow companies to leverage their data and feed it into reporting tools, regardless of where the data or the applications live.

Lozen_2C_Grey and Green

Deliver real-time, read-write mainframe data access to modern BI, analytics, and reporting tools running in other environments like the cloud.

PropelZ_2C_Gray and Green

Replicate analytics data across mainframe and cloud in real time.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine learning and predictive analytics tools are delivering insights faster and more accessibly than ever – but their accuracy hinges on the quality and comprehensiveness of the data they receive. Expensive, time-intensive manual processes of connecting data with applications across multiple environments can become a costly bottleneck.

Our solutions simplify these processes and make AI and machine learning more accessible by ensuring these applications are always fueled with the data they need.

Lozen_2C_Grey and Green

Deliver real-time, read-write mainframe data access to AI and machine learning tools running in other environments like the cloud.

PropelZ_2C_Gray and Green

Replicate data across mainframe and cloud in real time to ensure all applications have access to a single source of truth.

Data Stores

Data stores provide a centralized repository to improve
efficiency, availability, and prevent data loss – but they run
into problems when interfacing with data or applications on
the mainframe.

Our solutions make it easy to connect data stores with
mainframe data and applications so companies can leverage
the full benefits across all environments.

Lozen_2C_Grey and Green

Deliver real-time, read-write mainframe data access to applications running in other environments, making it possible to fully leverage that data and provide a single source of truth across every environment.

PropelZ_2C_Gray and Green

Replicate analytics data across mainframe and cloud in real time to ensure your data stores have access to a single source of truth.

Business Applications

Your applications are only as useful as the data that feeds them. The chasm between the mainframe and modern environments like the cloud has made it challenging for companies to deploy new applications while operating in a hybrid cloud architecture.

Our solutions make it possible to easily connect data and applications across environments, allowing companies to fully leverage their data and modern applications without incurring excessive costs or risks.

Lozen_2C_Grey and Green

Deliver real-time, read-write mainframe data access to applications running in other environments like the cloud.

PropelZ_2C_Gray and Green

Replicate data across mainframe and cloud in real time.


Data is being generated and stored in multiple locations — the mainframe, the cloud, SAN devices, SaaS applications — they all hold a piece of your data story, but connecting that story has been a growing problem.

Our solution removes the barrier between the mainframe and other data sources, allowing mainframe applications to process and update non-mainframe data as if it were stored locally, no matter where it is.

PropelZ_2C_Gray and Green

Grant mainframe applications real-time, read-write access to data living on storage platforms.