VirtualZ Solutions for Simplified Data Governance and Compliance

Simplify Compliance: Secure Data Access and Management for Modern Enterprises

At VirtualZ™, we understand that as organizations evolve their data-sharing architecture (especially with the integration of modern infrastructures like cloud and SaaS), security challenges can become significantly more complex.

Our solutions — Lozen™, PropelZ™, and Zaac™ — deliver a comprehensive approach to managing, accessing, and archiving mainframe data with a focus on security, performance, and cost-efficiency, while offering a more manageable and secure alternative to traditional ETL methods.

By facilitating seamless access to mainframe data, we help businesses enhance their security posture and mitigate risks associated with data governance and compliance.  This approach makes it easier to maintain a robust and resilient data architecture.

VirtualZ’s Data Governance and Compliance Solution

Lozen, PropelZ, and Zaac — VirtualZ’s solutions for Data Governance and Compliance — are designed to empower organizations to govern their data securely, meet regulatory requirements, and streamline compliance processes across hybrid cloud environments.

Lozen: Secure, Real-Time Data Access

Lozen is our groundbreaking data access solution that enables organizations to access mainframe data without replication, ensuring compliance and security.

With Lozen, customers can leverage their existing security strategies, as it seamlessly integrates with established methods for securing mainframe data.  This real-time, read-write data access tool allows for direct access to IBM Z data without moving or duplicating sensitive information, significantly reducing security risks and maintaining the integrity of existing mainframe security measures.

Key Features of Lozen

  • Real-Time Data Access: Provides secure, real-time access to mainframe data, allowing for seamless integration into modern applications, analytics, or AI/ML models.
  • No Data Replication: Eliminates the need to move or replicate data, maintaining its integrity and security in its original IBM Z environment.
  • Compliance Adherence: Integrates with existing control structures for regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, ensuring secure access while maintaining proper audit trails without disrupting current compliance frameworks.
  • Authentication and Security: Utilizes existing mainframe security products like RACF, ACF2, and Top Secret, along with modern techniques like Kerberos and SSL/TLS encryption for access control and secure data transmission.

Compliance Benefits

  • Secure data access with no replication or migration risk.
  • Comprehensive audit trails and logging to support regulatory reporting.
  • Maintains full data governance within the mainframe ecosystem while integrating with cloud services.

PropelZ: Automated Data Extraction and Archiving for Compliance

PropelZ streamlines the extraction and archiving of mainframe data, including Application Data, System Management Facility (SMF) records, system logs, job logs, Application Performance Management (APM) data, and other critical datasets.

By automating these processes, PropelZ ensures that businesses can efficiently meet compliance requirements for data retention, auditability, and security.

It is designed to support hybrid cloud environments, allowing organizations the flexibility to store and archive data either on-premises or in the cloud while maintaining compliance with data privacy and retention laws.

This comprehensive approach enables organizations to manage their mainframe data effectively, ensuring both operational efficiency and regulatory adherence.

Key Features of PropelZ

  • Automated Data Extraction: Streamlines the automated extraction of mainframe logs and management data, reducing manual intervention and complexity.
  • Flexible Archiving: Offers seamless archiving to cost-effective cloud or SAN storage, or integration with databases like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or cloud-based data lakes.
  • Near Real-Time Processing: Provides real-time access to operational data, enabling faster responses to compliance and audit requests.
  • Integrated Security: Maintains secure connections to target storage environments, ensuring that data remains encrypted and compliant with industry standards.

Compliance Benefits

  • Simplifies the retention and retrieval of key logs and operational data required for audits.
  • Ensures compliance with data retention policies by automating archival processes.
  • Secures data in transit and at rest using advanced encryption methods, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Zaac: Secure Storage Integration for Hybrid Cloud Compliance

Zaac bridges the gap between mainframe environments and cloud or SAN storage, enabling organizations to securely archive and store mainframe data, such as virtual disks and tapes, in the cloud.

Zaac simultaneously leverages the existing security infrastructure and encryption capabilities of the mainframe while utilizing the encryption features offered by cloud providers.  This integrated approach ensures that all stored data complies with industry-specific regulations while maintaining robust security and data integrity.

Zaac is ideal for organizations looking to offload expensive storage to the cloud while ensuring comprehensive protection for their sensitive information.

Key Features of Zaac

  • Cloud Integration: Seamlessly integrates mainframe data with cloud storage solutions, including Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, and Google Cloud, for cost-efficient storage.
  • Encryption Support: Provides comprehensive encryption solutions that align with existing customer infrastructure, including built-in z/OS data encryption, SSL/TLS for network transfers, and cloud storage encryption. This ensures that data remains protected at all stages, allowing organizations to maintain their established security measures while enhancing overall data security.
  • Archiving and Resiliency: Enables archiving of mainframe data, reducing reliance on costly on-premise storage and providing resiliency through multi-location backups.
  • Duplexing Capability: Offers the ability to store data in multiple locations simultaneously, increasing data availability and compliance with redundancy requirements.
  • Enhanced Resiliency: Leverage the multiple copies and resiliency features offered by major cloud storage providers to ensure that mainframe data is securely archived, highly available, and protected against data loss.

Compliance Benefits

  • Ensures secure storage and archiving of sensitive data in the cloud, adhering to stringent data privacy and security laws.
  • Supports industry-standard encryption methods to protect data from unauthorized access.
  • Facilitates long-term retention of archived data in compliance with various industry regulations.

Customer Benefits of the VirtualZ Data Governance and Compliance Solution

  • Unified Compliance and Security: VirtualZ solutions unify compliance across all data governance processes by ensuring secure, controlled access to data, automating extraction and archiving, and supporting encrypted storage in hybrid cloud environments. With Lozen, PropelZ, and Zaac, organizations can meet the most stringent industry standards while maintaining the security of their most sensitive information.
  • Reduced Compliance Risk: By minimizing data movement and supporting real-time data access directly from the mainframe, VirtualZ solutions reduce the risk of non-compliance and security breaches associated with data replication and migration.
  • Enhanced Data Integrity and Oversight: Our suite of solutions ensures that data remains secure and compliant throughout its lifecycle. Whether accessing, extracting, or archiving data, VirtualZ enables businesses to maintain data integrity and regulatory compliance without sacrificing efficiency.
  • Cost-Effective Compliance Strategies: PropelZ and Zaac allow businesses to archive data to less costly storage solutions, reducing the expenses associated with high-cost DASD, tape, and VTL resources. Additionally, Lozen’s zIIP engine architecture helps reduce mainframe processing costs, further optimizing cost structures while maintaining regulatory compliance.


VirtualZ’s solutions — Lozen, PropelZ, and Zaac — are designed to empower organizations to govern their data securely, meet regulatory requirements, and streamline compliance processes across hybrid cloud environments.  These solutions deliver a comprehensive approach to managing, accessing, and archiving mainframe data with a focus on security, performance, and cost-efficiency.

By leveraging VirtualZ’s innovative tools, organizations can stay ahead of evolving compliance demands, improve their data governance practices, and future-proof their IT operations in a secure and compliant manner.

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